Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dorm, Sweet Dorm

Today I moved into the dorms! Mom, Dad and I got up early (8:30... ugh....) and drove from Santa Fe to Albuquerque. I slept most of the time because high altitude had not been letting me sleep very well. Once there, we parked and checked in, and the guys at the desk were really nice. I got keys to the room, and drove to the dorm where I am now currently, Building A of the Redondo Suites. Even though it's building A, the entire place (A, B, C, D, E... I don't know how many letters there are...) is one big building, and every hall looks the same (kind of like Dwinelle Hall in Berkeley). It's really easy to get lost and I was very disoriented for a couple days. Around are pictures of the apartment and my own room--and yes, I have my own room!! There are 4 bedrooms per apartment, and each has its own AC/heater due to the extreme weather. Living in the lap of archaeological luxury...

Anyway, I got to my room, and tried to open the door to my room, but the key wasn't working. We went back to the Student Residence Center (which was basically a lounge, market, and office all in one), and told them about the problem. They sent a security guy with me, who reminded me of the Bear Walk guys from back home, and he opened the door to let me in my room. Then he was very helpful, telling me where everything was, where the grocery store was, and other things I could know. Then he said I should come back around noon to meet with the manager who will figure out what was wrong with my key. Really nice reception to UNM, if I do say so myself.

Mom, Dad, and I then went out for our last lunch together until I come home. We went to a place across the street from the dorms called Melanie's, which turned out to be right next to the Walgreens. I made a note to go there later. The diner was really good, and it was a nice break from all the Mexican food I'd been eating (I got a nice burger instead). We talked about some last minute things before they left, and we asked for the bill since they had a flight soon. When we got back to the dorm, we said our goodbyes, and for once my parents weren't dropping me off only to see me the next day. For the first time in a long time, I was completely alone out in a foreign--though American--place.

The afternoon was spent getting settled. I unfortunately got a call from my roommate saying that he couldn't find my keys that I'd put in the mailbox. Then I had to deal with that roommate over the phone, where he was very difficult (as he was a few days earlier) with some final business that we need to get straight about the apartment. That was extremely stressful, on top of being already stressed about this new class. However, I've decided to deal with the brunt of that roommate when I'm actually back in the state.

People arrived throughout the afternoon, and my new roommates and I went to the Frontier (for me, the second time) for dinner. It was really fun hanging out with them, and we have a pretty good dynamic going on in the apartment. I think having separate rooms helps with that :) And that's the first day of being on my own in New Mexico!

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